Home     Deborah Hulburt {14}  
  Featured Artist     bio:          
  Studio Map     I am a functional potter from Buffalo, Minnesota. The current work I am making is salt-fire stoneware. My love for the "mud" began as a child spending hours making everything from mud pies to pinch pots. I didn’t really realize the passion I had for clay until I entered high school in Monticello, Minnesota, and enrolled in my first ceramics class with Mr. Pullen, my high school art teacher, who encouraged me in my drawings, and my work in clay. Ever since that first ceramics class, I have not stopped working in clay.

After graduating from high school, I attended college at Moorhead State University and received a Bachelors of Art Degree in Art and emphasized in Ceramics. At Moorhead State, I had many great teachers who encouraged me to do my best, especially Wil Shynkaruk (Ceramics Professor, and Carl Oltvedt (Drawing Professor) at M.S.U. After college, I began working in a full-time job while trying to set up an outdoor studio in Buffalo, Minnesota. Due to weather conditions and the inability to throw with frozen clay, it forced me to look for a studio space indoors. My friend from college told me about the town that she came from and that there were potters in her town. I took a drive to New London, Minnesota, in 2001 and discovered the New London Art Center (ran by Craig and Lin Edwards) when it was just emerging. There was studio space for rent and wood kilns in the town, so I rented a studio space. Upon the closure of the new London Art Center, I moved to a different spot in the town owned by Glen and Julie Joplin, called the Pottery Workshop, where I currently rent studio space.

The different people that have come into my life, even briefly, have influenced the work that I make. There is always something to learn from the environment that you are in and the people that surround you; even if you are scared to death to make a change or go out and meet new people, in the long run it is worth it. The different pots that I have seen people make and the pots that I have used of others and my own, have helped me with the issue of form and functionality. Using the piece, I feel, is really important. How good does the piece of pottery feel in your hands? Does it please you to look at, touch, and feel the piece?
  Area Info      
  About Studio Hop      
  June 21st - 2008      
10 am - 5 pm  
  June 22nd - 2008      
12 pm - 5 pm  
"This activity is made possible in part by a grant from the SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA ARTS & HUMANITIES COUNCIL (SMAHC) with funds appropriated by the State Legislature."
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